Asbestos Remediation

Asbestos Encapsulation Asbestos Removal Asbestos Repair

Asbestos Encapsulation

Removal is not the only option when it comes to asbestos, repair and encapsulation can often be a safe and cheaper alternative to removal where possible.

Asbestos encapsulation involves sealing the asbestos with a barrier paint (or over-boarding) which is specially made for the asbestos industry. The encapsulation method can be used on asbestos that is in good condition and does not need to be removed, for example when there are no major refurbishment/demolition works taking place and the material will be staying in situ.

UKES have vast experience in helping duty holders manage their known ACM’s (Asbestos Containing Materials) and can provide fast pragmatic advice to ensure your compliance, taking into consideration commercial and financial factors.

Asbestos Removal

There are three asbestos removal categories, HSE Licensed Asbestos Works, HSE Notifiable Non-Licensed Works (NNLW) and Non-Licensed Work. To determine what category your asbestos works come under depends on several factors including the type of work you require, the type of material, and potential for fibre release during the removal process. This is an especially important part the risk assessment process, which will need to be completed before any works can commence.

UKES will always advise that asbestos removal is conducted by a HSE licenced contractor.  Licensed contractors must adhere to strict training regimes, medical assessments and are required to have exemplary health and safety standards.  At UKES we apply the same standards to all projects, using experienced and highly trained removal operatives and supervisors.  Non-licensed contractors will often not have had the same level of training, will not have the experience to apply the standards of a license contractor.

Asbestos Repair

Under the control of asbestos regulations 2012, there is no legal requirement to remove asbestos, unless the building is due to be demolished, or the ACM may be disturbed during major refurbishment.  Where asbestos has been identified within your commercial building, via an asbestos survey, for many reasons, you may decide that repairing the material and leaving it in situ is the best option.

Our management team are not only experienced in asbestos removal, but are also qualified in asbestos surveys and management, qualified to BOHS P402, 405 and 406.  Giving you peace of mind that the advice they provide is the best possible advice.

Whether you need your asbestos repaired, encapsulated, or removed, contact UKES, you are in the best possible hands.  We will provide you with a detailed and transparent quotation with no hidden extras or surprises.

Asbestos Surveys and Management

If you own a commercial building or are the duty holder of a commercial building built before the year 2000, you have a legal duty to ensure that you assess the building for asbestos containing materials.  This is typically achieved via the appointment of a surveyor that is experienced in asbestos surveys and trained to a recognised standard.

UK Enviro Services Limited can conduct asbestos surveys by one of our certified P402 asbestos surveyors which will include bulk sampling of materials that will be sent to an independent UKAS ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory for analysis and identification.

Management Survey Refurbishment & Demolition Survey Asbestos Management Plans

Management Survey:

An asbestos management survey will be required to identifying asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) within a property with little or no damage to the property, we can also offer a Reinspection Survey that we would recommend every 12 months to check the condition of any previously identified ACMs as Asbestos-based materials can deteriorate or become damaged over time, causing the risks associated with the material to change.

Refurbishment & Demolition Survey:

An R&D Survey will be required prior to undertaking any type of structural refurbishments or demolition work to a property. It requires an intrusive inspection of either the whole property or the areas within the property that the refurbishment/demolition will be taking place. Once the R&D survey has been conducted you will receive a full survey report containing sample analysis, summary of areas inspected and further actions that might be required.

Asbestos Management Plans

Duty holders of Non-domestic buildings must adhere to the legal requirement of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. Most buildings built before the year 2000 will often contain some form of asbestos, if you are a building owner, employer, or leaseholder you will have “the duty to manage asbestos” this will include the need for an asbestos management plan.

The asbestos survey will identify all known ACM’s within the property, the management plan, is the plan decided by the duty holder, of how they plan to manage that material.  You may well have the financial resource to remove and re-instate with a non-asbestos materials, you may decide that management is the best option.  Either way, UKES is best placed and highly experienced to help you decide and not fall foul of legislative requirements.